Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Making this mom gig easier one day at a time...

When Max was younger he was very afraid of the vacuum to the point where our home was just not getting vacuumed as much as it should. One Saturday Scott was vacuuming and Max was, of course, clinging to me for dear life. I decided enough was enough and started clapping my hands and yelling "Yeah, Daddy! Thank you for cleaning our house!" Pretty soon Max joined in and now every time anyone vacuums Max will cheer for them. Every now and then Kate joins in by clapping a little extra enthusiastically!

Scott and I also try to always give positive reinforcement to Max and Kate usually by saying "Good job!" Well, Mr. Max has picked up on this too! He will say "Good job, Mama!" or "Thank you, Mama!" all the time when I'm doing things. It sure does make this mom position a little easier to bear when you have your own personal cheerleader. Although, the other day, I was bending down to pick up Kate's binki from under the kitchen counter and when I stood up I hit my head on the underside of the counter to which Max began clapping and said, "Good job, Mama!" What a stinker!


Beth said...

HAHA I guess sarcasm is inevitable at some point, lucky you he seems pretty early! ;)