Monday, February 4, 2008

Adventures in parenting!

So remember how I told you that since moving back to Utah that it seems like we all were getting sick? Well last week Max and I (YES ME) had RSV, and now this week our little Kate has it too. I knew that Max was starting to get sick because he was not eating as much (because to be honest, the kid is a goat and would eat all day if I let him). Then he started coughing. If I didn't know any better, I would have though the kid had emphysema. One doctor's visit later and it was confirmed - RSV! We got all the way up to the very last day that Max was contagous when Kate started showing symptoms. At first the symptoms were exactly the same, but then she got this horribly raspy throat. The poor little thing sounds so sad when she cries and any sound that comes out of her throat sounds like she has been a chain smoker for the past ten years. And to make matters worse, we went to the doctor today and she has double ear infections and the post-nasal drip from her RSV is so bad (that is why she has the raspy voice) that for the last day and one half, she has not been able to keep any liquids down. My poor baby.
Oh, how I long for the springtime! If you notice, the first song on my jukebox is "Here Comes the Sun" by the Beatles because it is my absolute favorite Beatles song and I always have to play it on the first day that it really starts to warm up after winter. (Corny I know, but for all the ladies reading this blog that truly understand the winter blues, I advise you to do the same). There is nothing like walking outside with the warm sun on your skin. I can't wait for the weather to warm up and my kids to stop being sick because I feel so bad for them. Max is such a mover and a shaker that it is just killing him to have to stay in, especially since I've put us on quarantine so as to not get anyone else sick.


Mitchell Family said...

keep giving max and kate kisses from their favorite aunt!!

FarrEver Family said...

Seriously hard stuff! Who takes care of the mom when she is sick? I hope being home in Utah you were able to get some good help! I am so glad when hard times like those pass!

Unknown said...

So glad you are all better.