So this blogging thing is just hard for me to keep up on. I get on to post and then find myself caught up in looking at other people's blogs and the next thing I know, I've run out of time to put a post on my blog. Such is life, right? So I promised pictures in my next update, so here goes...
MAX Our Max is lovin' his gymnastics class that he takes with his cousin Hayden. Its a mommy and me class, but he tries to ditch me because he's got it down. He loves the big tramp and the dancing. He got to be in the Farmington city parade and he had a blast. He got to ride on the float, wave at the people and throw candy to the crowd. Max (unlike his daddy) loves parades. Max has become his daddy's right hand man for putting in our backyard. Anytime that Scott is out in the yard, Max is right there working and helping along side him. Max has helped dig out trees, lay pavers, and (Max's favorite) pick the strawberries that are growing in our yard. The other day Max and Scott were working and Max came up to Scott and gave him a big hug and said, "I love working in the yard with you, Daddy." Scott told him, "I love it when you work in the yard with me!" That's my sweet boy. Although, later that day, Max was suffering the effects of a long and hard days work as shown in this video...
KATE Ms. Kate is becoming quite the character. She is so funny and is such a tease! She loves to pretend to give her daddy kisses and then she'll laugh and start to run away. It is so cute. She loves to run and play and climb. She likes to talk (too bad we don't know what she's saying) and laugh and be crazy. She is getting to be so much fun. I can't wait to see what she has to say because apparently it is pretty darn funny if you ask her. Kate LOVES playing with Max. Her favorite game is to run up to him, laugh her villanous laugh (you know the bru-ha-ha laugh) and then turn around and start running for him to chase her. It is so funny to be in a room and to first hear the two of them laugh and stomping and then you see the two of them with smiles ear to ear run past the open doorway.